Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cleans are 4 Feans

Tonight, we did a lot of cleans. The strength workout was different percentages of cleans and the actual workout involved power cleans. My arms are going to be sore tomorrow. 
My 1 rep max is 105, so I used that to scale my percentages. Wasn't easy.. Here's some pics of me and randy doing cleans. Mom had to get her hair done so I went solo tonight. 

The workout was good.. I completed 7 rounds in 12 minutes, 39 seconds.. Not too shabby. 

Here's everyone's results.. Well the three of us. I had to leave before I could get Yolanda's time on the board. 
I should of used more than 55 pounds but I didn't wanna kill myself in this one, especially since we were doing 70 push ups. 

Nice job everyone!


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