Monday, May 19, 2014

Ripped Hands Again! >:0

Tonight's WOD ripped my hand open again, this time my other hand! Those stinking knees to elbows and toes to bar! 

Anyway, other than ripped skin, it was a great arm workout! 

Plus, Danyele joined tonight and had her first beginner's class, which I'm so excited for her! She did beyond awesome tonight! She's gonna be in so much pain tho! She goes again Wednesday, can't wait to hear all about how she can't move or sit on the toilet haha.

Here's the WOD 

Results of WOD 

Not bad, only 13:32 for me and 13:39 for mom. Instead of muscle ups, we had to do 6 chest to bar and 6 ring dips... on top of knees to elbows and hand stand push-ups... Our arms were killing us! 

The 4th round of knees to elbows ripped my hand, my left ring finger this time, so it was a little difficult to finish the 5th round, but I managed. 

Here's some pictures of us doing split jerks from the power lifting tonight. 
I used 100 as my top set and mom used 80. 

And of course, some shots of Danyele's first workout! 

Ok, time to crash. Exhausted.


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