Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 7 of challenge!

Late on this post.. Been a busy couple of days... Worked on the snatch and front squat. This was an awesome night!!!! Got a new PR front squat!!!
For the hand snatches, I did 75... Mom did 50... And Alysia did 35. These are still so hard to do! Eventually, we will have these perfect.

Some quick shots:

Anyway, totally killed it on front squats. My 1 rep max was 125 the last time and I did 2 reps at 130! Awesome feeling! Mom and Alysia did great too! Mom did 95 and Alysia did 75 (which is awesome since she just started less then 2 weeks ago). 

The workout wasn't too bad... Lunges were tough and so were the v-ups, but we got done pretty quick. Here's the results: 


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