Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 4 of challenge!

This challenge is going to be so hard! Trying our hardest to go every day this month! Well every week day (Saturday's optional). 

Tonight wasn't too bad... 

We were having some trouble with workout A tonight. The hang snatches are just so difficult. I did 65, same with Maris, mom did 50 and Maur got 40. Not too bad considering last Monday I could only do 50 then again, last Friday I did 80 so I went down a little. But it's okay, good days and bad days at Crossfit. 

Some shots of the hang snatches:

Anyway, front squats went well. These are always fun to do. My friend Alysia joined tonight and she did awesome! Her form looks good and she is really kicking butt for her first real Crossfit workout! Nice job Alysh! Here's some pics of us all doing front squats: 

And of course a special shot for Alysia since it was her first workout! 

The results of tonight's C workout:

Less then a 10 minute workout, I'll take it!

Ok time for bed! Nice job tonight everyone!


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