Monday, April 28, 2014


30 was the magic number tonight. 

Before the workout, we did some overhead presses.. 4 sets of 5 at 75% of our max weight. My max was 115 but I decided to use 75 for this. Mom used 45 and Amanda used 65. Great arm workout! 

(Took this just for fun. Lol)

Here's the workout:

The only difficult parts about this workout were the pull-ups and the burpees. I used the skinny band for all 30 pull-ups! Soon enough, I won't need a band! Can't wait for that! Mom used the green (no more black for her!! Such progress) and Amanda used purple and red (she has to get the kip down!). 

For the shoulder to overhead, I used 50, mom and Amanda used 45. These weren't too bad, except the earlier presses and pull-ups made my arms weak! Such a great body workout tonight! 


Just some pictures of us tonight... 
Lol Bill is part of my bicept! 
Amanda is fried haha
Love the bar! 

Okay time for bed.


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