We started off doing a power move (not using kettle bells), which was the split jerk. Last time I did these, I got 115 as my max and mom had 75. Tonight we had to find a 2 rep max.
Mine was 120 and Mom's was 85! We both increased in our one rep max by doing two of a higher weight!!!! Incredible!!!
Tonight's workout was:
AMRAP in 12 minutes
8 kettle bells sumo deadlifts
8 kettle bell swings
8 goblet squats with kettle bell
For the Majoriy of my workout, I used a 35 pound kettle bell and then switched to 26 pounds around 8 minutes. Mom used 26 for the workout.
Here are the results:
Not bad, 7 rounds and some change for all of us! That was tough! And of course, all mental.
A pic of Our PR's on the board ..
Crossfit every day this week=determined
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