Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Back Squats. Holy Crap!

Today's workout was great! Wasn't in too much pain from Monday so I was able to move today lol which is surprising because Monday we did 75 overhead squats among some air squats and everything else...

I know tomorrow I am going to be in pain because tonight was intense. I'm starting to really love CrossFit, I feel like I'm part of a very unique group of people.. It's almost like family and I've only been going for 3 weeks. I absolutely love the care and motivation these people have for one another and for me and my mom.... It truly makes the Crossfit experience that much better.

Anyway, today's workout

Warm up
Row for 2 minutes
Then 3 rounds 
Gobble Squats (26 pounds)
Bear crawl 20 meters
10 minute stretches

WOD: Workout of the Day

I maxed out at 85 pounds on the Back squats!! New accomplishment for me! Go me!
Mom maxed out at 75 pounds! New accomplishment for her too! Go mom! 

During the back squats, we had to pause for 3 seconds in the squatting stance and then stand back up. I actually thought I wasn't going to make it up with the 85 pound bar across my back, but with Maura and Tom cheering me on, I had no choice! I got stuck on the way up but then used every ounce of leg power and core power to rise above. 

Mom got really low on her squats today, the lowest I've seen her! We are really coming along with this Crossfit stuff! Loving every aching and agonizing second of it! Hehe 

The workout AMRAP in 12 minutes was of course, as many rounds as you can do in 12 minutes... Difficult workout but definitely a great one. My arms, abs, and legs were killing me and screaming in pain but I didn't stop! Not once! I completed 9 rounds in 11 minutes... About 1 minute for the 20 Burpees .. Man I really hate them! Mom completed 8 rounds, Maura did 6 and Maria did 9! It was a ladies night tonight and we rocked it!

When doing the 5 shoulder to overhead presses, We all used 35lbs, and all did the push jerk. I should have used more because this was way easier than I thought it would be. Even by round 9, I was lifting that bar with ease. The KB swings were tough but I really used my hips and legs to lift it and gave my arms a break. Sit ups were easy but I said that last time and woke up with SCREAMING abs!  

As I write this, I am starting to feel my muscles get sore...I feel soreness in my shoulders, neck, abs, and back... This is the pain I yearn for so I dare not complain :)  

Another day of CrossFit complete, which is another successful day in my book. 

Tom, me, Bill, and Mom after our workout


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