Friday, November 1, 2013

Rest and Recover

I'm learning now more than ever how important rest and recovery for your body is. After tonight's workout, I really need to just rest and recover and relax my mind and body, especially since 10am tomorrow is a conditioning and endurance Day. 

I'm also learning the importance of teamwork and motivation. Today, I did not feel like going to CrossFit. CrossFit is one of the best parts of my day; however, it was just one of those days where all I wanted to do was come home from work, curl into a ball, and sleep. Motivation and teamwork from my mom got me up, CrossFit ready, and out the door for another painful yet invigorating workout.  I am glad I went because I learned new, intense workouts today that I would of missed out on.


Split jumps are jumping into a lunge type stance; however, the back leg is only bent slightly. This is the stance used for the Hang Clean and Jerk. The FS (front squat) and press is just holding the bar, going into a squat then coming up and going into the press.

The strength move today was Hang Clean and Jerk. This is holding the bar in front of thighs at first, sticking butt out,weight on heals, chest forward and leaning slightly, knees slightly bent...then jerking the bar up to shoulders and going into a squat then coming up and going into the split jump with the bar above your head.  We were doing 1 rep max... I maxed at 55 and so did mom


Me doing hang clean with 35 lbs. mom also used 35 in workout. 

Results and time for the WOD. It was tough! The toes to bar kill me! And my poor hands are killing me! I might need to wimp out and get gloves...then again, I might just deal with it. 

9:30 isn't bad and go mom at 8:45!! She's really doing awesome and I couldn't be more proud of her! Like I said, teamwork and motivation is what CrossFit is all about. I can't believe how much I crave CrossFit and the transformation I see in myself after 3 weeks. It's actually quite incredible. 

Here's a transformation picture. Before CrossFit, 2 weeks in, and tonight ( a little over 3 weeks)
My arms are getting huge and so cut and It's only just begun ;)


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