Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sweat is dripping!

Holy crap! I am hurting! Today was INSANE

I'm going to make this short and sweet, #1 because I'm so beat and #2 because this workout can easily be described in one word.... "Exhausting

Here's the board of the Warm-Up and WOD:

Ryan gave us an awesome workout today!!! After the warm up, we were definitely warm!!! In fact, I started to sweat, so warm is an understatement. 

After the warm-up, we spent about 20 minutes finding the max weight we could push press by increasing the weight in 5 rounds of 5 reps.

This was way harder than I thought and I set my expectations too high for myself. Doing one rep max is easy because you're only doing one! However, doing 5 in a row... Well, that's a different story! 

I maxed at 70 pounds 
Mom maxed at 60 pounds! 

After that 5th round, my wrists were killing me and I was aching! As well as, my shoulders, back, arms, and legs... Lol 


Time to begin the actual workout. 

The "Climb the ladder" as high as possible in 12 minutes, means this....

1 wall ball (10lbs), 1 pull up
2 wall balls, 2 pull ups
3 wall balls, 3 pull ups

And on and on and on til time runs out....

So, how did we do???

Mom, 11 rounds plus 12 pull ups and 7 wall balls
Me, 12 rounds plus 5 pull ups.

Just for fun.. I added up reps of each
                    Me           Mom
Wall balls     78              73
Pull ups       83              78

That's crazy!

Let's just say, after 12 minutes, I fell to the ground, sucking in air like I was dying (literally) and layed on my back because sitting was too hard. Crossfit, you rock!!! Us Crossfitters are so demented, I know. 

Success is what it really is! Awesome!


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