Wednesday, November 20, 2013

OH Squats

If I wasn't in extreme pain going into this workout, things might have been a little different; however, last night was so tough that I started feeling muscle pain less than 24 hours later. Therefore, walking into Crossfit tonight was already hard because my arms, legs, and back were screaming with soreness. 

Tonight's warm-up was easy.. Row for 2 minutes, 40m lunges, then group stretch. The group stretch was designed to help us practice our overhead squats. We used a PVC pipe and rotated our shoulders and did sets of five lowering our squat stance each time. This was tough because of the muscle soreness but it definetly loosened us up. 


I maxed at 70 pounds on my last rep. Mom maxed at 50! Here's some pics of us doing our overhead squats.

Me with 70 (1 max), 55(3 sets), 35(5 sets)  pounds 

Momma with 35(5 sets), 45(3 sets), 50 (1 max)

Results from the workout: 
Me: 6 rounds + 4 vertical jumps and 6 toes to bar
Mom: 6 rounds + 4 vertical jumps, 6 toes to bar, and 5 push ups

Total we did
28 vertical jumps
42 toes to bar
48 push ups (me) 53 (mom) 

Not an easy task after yesterday's workout. I can't imagine the pain I'll be in when I wake up tomorrow. It's not going to be pleasant... But I'll manage. I actually feel pretty incredible right now. Night!


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