Tuesday, October 22, 2013


It's been almost a week since my last post... and it is safe to say.. I am still alive...In intense pain, but alive ;) 


On Saturday (2 days ago), Me, my mom, and Rob decided to go to CrossFit. Bill said Saturday's are more of a conditioning (longer) workout rather than a heavy lifting, intense workout. 

I have come to the conclusion that whenever Bill says something is not as hard or not as intense... It's usually impossible and insanely intense and when he says its hard... It means, I'm going to die. 

Let me run you through Saturday for a second, so you can understand what I am talking about.

It began with our warm-up

5 pull ups
7 push ups
9 air squats

Not bad.. except we had to do 5 rounds of that. (Dead already)THEN run 400 meters. 

I managed to do this without stopping. Took me a little longer than the others, but still, did not stop. I must say that when I got to the run, my mind was saying I can't do this and I so badly wanted to walk, but I just kept pushing and kept shoving one foot in front of the other. 

After the warm-up, we cooled off for a second and then were told that we were going to be climbing rope during the workout so we were given about 20 minutes to practice and get the technique down. 

I thought rope climbing looked easy (Again, Bill makes everything look freaking easy!) but clearly, it is NOT

I could only get about 1/4 of the way up the rope before coming back down. I got the movement of it, I just have to work on holding the rope between my feet. My shin was starting to throb after the third attempt. Now (2 days later), I have a bruise the size of an orange on my lower shin to prove the attempts and the pain I was experiencing (Its okay, you know what they say... bruises build character... aka battle wounds). 

My mom struggled a bit with the rope climbing. Again, I think it is due to the way we are clamping the rope between our feet (meaning, we aren't doing that right-lol). I know with time we will get better at this. 

Rob, on the other hand, was doing awesome. He really impressed me with his strength and stamina during the entire workout, being that he really hasn't been doing any kind of strength or endurance training prior to CrossFit. Me and my mom have been working out for a while now, so you would think we would be better off... but clearly, we are not. 

After we attempted the rope several times, we walked through our upcoming workout. The workout was For Time, which means you have to complete the workout, trying to get it done as fast as you possibly can. 

WOD: For Time

1000 meter Row 
200 meter Farmers (35lbs(in each hand)-me and mom, 70lbs-Rob)
3 rope climbs
800 meter run
200 Over Head Walks (55lb- me, 35lb-mom, 65lb-Rob)
3 rope climbs



Arty (The other owner/trainer) kicked butt and finished in 16:56... This is a time to work towards! 

We had a nice size class and every one did an awesome job. Some of the other members and times were...


I must say (and i think I speak for all of us, well me rob and mom)... This was the most difficult workout up to date. Every muscle in my body was killing me. The row was the furthest we ever rowed so far considering we usually do 500 meters and we think that is tough. I had a hard time with the farmers walk and the over head walk, stopping every 50 meters, screaming in pain... My shoulders were on fire throughout the entire workout. The rope climbs burned my hands and shins. The run killed me and I almost puked. I was ... without a doubt... repeating the words "YOU CAN DO IT" over and over again in my head during this entire workout. 

After we finished, I felt such a sense of accomplishment, I would have jumped up and down with joy if I had a muscle left that worked properly. However, we all just sat down and chugged water, caught our breaths, and high-fived each other. 

Another "INTENSE" workout was conquered. 

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