Thursday, October 17, 2013

Workout #2

Today was insane! My quads are on fire and I can't walk already and it hasn't even been 2 hours since my workout. Probably one of the most difficult workouts thus far. Here's a picture of the board which lists our Warm up and WOD:

As new CrossFitters, we think the warm-ups are tough and every time we finish them, we look at each other and just take a deep breath because we know we have a long way to go before the workout is over. 

After the warm up, we did a 15 minute power move, which today was the Push Jerk. We had to keep adding weight to the bar as long as we could complete 5 reps with that weight. I maxed out at 55 pounds. I tried 65 pounds but could only complete 4 reps (therefore, it doesn't count >:0 ). 

My mom maxed at 65 and completed 5 reps! Go Momma! 

After our power move, we began the WOD. Saying it was hard is such an understatement! I had to push myself to complete as much as I could. I finished 5 rounds and an additional 15 reps of wall balls and 10 kettle thrusts and my mom finished 5 rounds with an additional 15 reps of wall balls (all in 12 minutes). 

The hardest part of today's workout was the toes to bar. We had to hang from the bar and try to bring our toes up to the bar in front of us. This was impossible and we could barely bring our knees up an inch. My mom doesn't understand how when we are little, we can do this on the monkey bars all day long (lol) and now, forget about doing even one.

I wish I could say that these workouts get easier, but they don't. CrossFit will never be easy (so they say)... What I can say is that we are getting better, and that's all that matter. 

One day at a time.


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