Wednesday, October 23, 2013

They call them "pistols" for a reason

The pain is starting to finally kick in from yesterday's insane workout. We were introduced to pistols! I'm pretty sure it would have been less painful if I actually used a pistol and shot myself in the quad... Lol I'm not kidding either.

Pistols.... They are squats with one leg.. Look this up if you don't understand... In fact.. Check this YouTube video out and prepare to be completely blown away by this man's ability to do pistols. 

These were extremely difficult to do and I will probably not be able to do them without the assistance of a beam or band for a while. During the workout, I used a beam to assist myself with the pistols but I still did as much as I could to make sure I was using my legs to pull myself up instead of my arms. 

My mom had some difficulty mastering the pistols and decided to do air squats in their place... But don't mistake that for an easy way out. Instead of doing 10 pistols in the workout, she had to do 20 air squats. But I will say that she claims to not be in much pain while I'm sitting here unable to walk. 

So what was yesterday's workout that is now causing me to have trouble moving?

Warm up
Row for 2 minutes
3 rounds
15 jumping jacks
15 air squats

We then did 5 sets of 2 reps with the push press... BUT... We had to max out at the heaviest weight we could lift... And I am SO proud of myself because 2 weeks ago I could only max out at 55 pounds and last night I maxed out at 85 pounds! The coolest part of last night was when Bill said that I am in the top 5 of the strongest girls at Crossfit-856. I acted like it was no big deal... But we all know I was like ooooOooOoohhhhh yeeeahhhhhh lol. My mom did awesome too... She maxed at 75 pounds which is just as amazing because she struggled at 65 last week.

Anyway, after 15-20 minutes of the push press, it was time for the workout. 

WOD: AMRAP in 15 minutes
200 meter run
10 pistols (alternating legs)
10 Burpees (Jump on top of a 45 lb plate to finish Burpee)

Let's just say... Give me a real pistol! (Not really but you know what I mean) This was a very hard workout. I finished 4 rounds plus an additional 200 meter run in 15 minutes. Me and my mom finished side by side at the same time and ran the last 200 meters together...I had to bust my butt on my last set of Burpees because my mom, as well as everyone else, was far ahead of me. When I was done this workout, I had a hard time catching my breath and I could feel the redness burning on my face. My heart was racing and I was dying of thirst. I couldn't even drink water right away because I needed to suck in air without interruption. I must say, it felt awesome finishing this workout! Go us! 

Our weight and rounds after workout.

I get more proud of our strength and endurance AND dedication every time we finish a workout. 

Time to go use the foam roller and take an Epsom bath because every muscle below my neck is hurting more every hour that passes. 


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