Monday, October 28, 2013

Oh Nancy!

Today was the day we were introduced to Nancy...

"Nancy" is a workout that consists of a lot of running (2000 meters total) and overhead squats (75 total). I had a hard time with this workout today. #1 Because I have not yet mastered the form for an overhead squat and #2 Because I pinched a nerve in my arm and my arm went numb on the 4th round of OH squats. Not good, but its about 2 hours later, and I have the feeling back--which is good--So don't worry Bill, I'm okay ;)

Anyway, today was difficult because we took a week off from CrossFit because we (Rob and I) settled on our new home on Thursday (24th) and we have been renovating like crazy... Taking a week off from CrossFit is a BAD idea because it is like Day 1 getting back into it. Well, to be honest, every day is like day 1 because CrossFit is never easy.

Today's Entire Workout

Warm Up:
Row for 2 minutes
15 Air Squats
Hip stretches (5 at 10 seconds)
Shoulder rolls w/PVC
Calf and ankle stretches
15 OHS + Scotts Press w/PVC

Strength Move:
Over head squats
5 sets of 3 (increasing weight each time)

(5 rounds for time. Basically,  how long will it take you to do 5 rounds of 400 meters and 15 OHS)

I maxed at 45 pounds on OHS
Momma maxed at 35 pounds on OHS

During Nancy, we just used the 15 pound bar because our OHS is not mastered. 

All I can say is Go us! It is only officially week 2 of real (not beginner) CrossFit classes and we are pulling our weight!

Now, waiting for the pain to set in and time to go relax and get a cup of hot tea. 

Just Some pics of us practicing our OHS's tonight

Me with 45 lbs

Maura with 35 lbs (She maxed at 45lbs too)

Momma with 35 lbs

This week, we are going Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and hopefully Saturday -Wish us Luck


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