Monday, February 3, 2014


Tonight felt great! It's been a week since we've been to Crossfit (Not happy about that)... I've been battling a sinus infection and my mom had a stiff neck, so we took time off to recover. It was much needed and tonight was such a great come-back workout!

We did the basic warm-up, 500 meter row  followed by a lot of stretching (shoulders, hips, triceps, hamstrings).

After the warm-up, we did partner medicine ball workouts. It was a nice way to stretch our arms while getting a quick workout. We stood about 15-20 feet apart and just tossed the medicine ball in various ways for 3 different workouts, 15 reps each. We only used 8 pounds. 

"DT" was the name of the WOD tonight. CrossFit often pays tribute to fallen servicemen with a “hero” workout named in their honor. “DT” honors United States Air Force Staff Sergeant Timothy P. Davis, who was killed by an IED in Afghanistan on Feb. 20, 2009, while supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. 

The workout requires you to use 155 pounds... Obviously, we cannot do that so I used 45 and mom used 35. 

This is what DT consists of:

I should of went up in weight because 45 was easier than I thought it would be. I'm thinking 65 would of been sufficient. Mom said the same thing. It's tough because you have to use the same weight for all three. I can deadlift 200 but only hang clean 75, so the deadlifts with 45 were so easy! I finished in 11 minutes and mom finished at 10 and a half minutes. Craig and Vinny were in the workout with us tonight. Craig used 105 lbs and Vinny used 155. Total beastmode with those two!!

At the end of this workout, my arms  definitely felt a beating, but it was much needed after that time off!!!

Here's some pics of us during DT

We had time to kill after this workout so Craig wanted to try and get a muscle up. He's been trying and trying and hasn't been successful, but... Tonight he was!!!! Go Craig! It took him only two attempts! Couldn't be prouder of my soon to be brother-in-law! 

This was his first attempt...

And his second... Got it!
Haha what a priceless shot! 

Nice job tonight everyone!!! Time to relax! Mom and I are going to Crossfit Mon, Wed, Fri this week and cardio (speed training) Tues and Thurs!  


Oh!! Saw this today and loved it! 
Love my @crossfitbabes 

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