Friday, February 14, 2014

Meet me at the bar Valentine ;)

Such a great Valentine's Day workout! The Bar is our love! And it treats us goooooood :) painfully good! 

I want this pictures framed :) Me and Mom doing 5 sets of 4 back squats at 80% our max, which is 100lbs for me and 75lbs for Mom. This was a great start to the WOD tonight.

Prior to the backsquats, we really stretched out our hips, groins, and legs which really made a difference in the back squats. If we aren't loose, the stances can be much more difficult, which we have noticed in the past.

Some pics of us doing backsquats tonight.

Here was tonight's awesome WOD:

It looks crazy and that's because it was. We had to do 10 push presses and 12 kettle bells back and forth for 10 minutes, increasing the bar 10lbs each round. 

This workout was so intense but was so awesomely set up. I started with the RX, 45lbs, and mom started with 35lbs since her shoulder has been bothering her a little lately. I used a 35lb kettle bell and mom used 2lbs6. This workout really kicked our butts! In a good way of course :)

At the end of 10 minutes, I finished 4 rounds even, so 40 push presses and 48 kettle bell swings. 

I felt like I had super powers at the end of today's entire WOD. I backsquatted like a champ and finished all 20 backsquats with 100 pounds and I blew through this WOD, stopping a few times to regain strength for those push presses. So proud of myself. If this were 3 months ago, I would of died after doing 5 push presses at 45 pounds. 

Same with mom, she is finally beginning to master her squat Stance and she too conquered this workout with excellent strength and stamina! 

We are unstoppable and loving every minute of the journey! I wish all women knew what growing strength and increasing endurance felt like, because it is truly a wonderful feeling for me.

As much as I love Crossfit, I truly enjoy the interval speed training we have began to do at the other gym. We are really learning how to spike our heart rates up and calm them back down every minute on the minute. It's so great! Recently we heard that studies are saying that this is ideal for endurance and a leaner body! So far so good! This week, we worked out all 5 days and I feel like a new woman!! 

Hete are some pictures of us during the WOD (push presses and kettle bell swings) 

Time to relax and rest over the weekend. Well, from the gym that is... I have to catch up on wedding plans! 



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