Monday, January 27, 2014

Crossfit Total

Tonight was such an amazing night! One, because my cousin Josh came to Crossfit for the first time (I've been begging him to come for weeks) and Two, because I crushed some amazing goals!!! 

First, I'll tell you a little about my cuz. He lost weight in the past and looked so incredible. He then moved to NJ from Florida, and over the past few years, he gained some unwanted weight back. For New Years, he decided to start shedding the pounds again and he has already lost over 20 pounds this month. Very impressive! 

Anyway, we didn't know what to expect for Him tonight because I didn't tell Bill he was coming and he's never done anything like Crossfit, so I didn't know if Bill would let him Olympic lift or join our workout....

Well, it just so happened that tonight there was a beginners class with 3 other guys that Ryan was teaching. What are the chances??!! So, Josh met Bill and Ryan and jumped right in! He began with the row machine (he's familiar with this and does it at his own gym, so that's a definite plus) and then was introduced to air squats, snake push-ups, butterfly sit-ups, and Pull-ups with a band. 

As he was learning basic stretches and completing the warmup, I could tell he was in for a real treat! At one point, my mom looked over and said josh looks like he's gonna pass out or hurl everywhere lol. He was dying! But I must say, he did awesome and worked out like a champ. I was expecting at least some throw up... 

After the warmup, Ry gave them their WOD. Josh was already beat from the introduction to the moves and now he was about to do his first WOD ever :) 

2 rounds of
Row 250m
10 air squats
10 sit-ups 
10 push-ups 
10 pull-ups 

That's tough for a beginners class. Josh kept at it and finished under 10 minutes! So proud of him! He used a purple and green band for pull-ups and barely took any breaks during the WOD. He is now part of the cult! He said he loved it but Let's see how he feels tomorrow and the next day when he can't walk, get dressed, brush his teeth or sit on a toilet from all the pain haha. It's okay, he always says, "Pain is temporary, quitting is forever." ;)

Some pics of my cuz during the WOD 
That face is priceless haha
Awesome job on pull-ups!

Now that you know the first reason why my night was incredible, it's time to talk about my goals being crushed. I'll make this short and to the point. 

My last recorded PR's (personal records) for back squats and deadlifts were the following:

Back squat 105
Deadlift 165


Back squat 125
Deadlift 200

So impressed with my max increase! I back squatted 20 more pounds and deadlifted 35 more! Feels SO good to see progress. The feeling is indescribable happiness! 

Mom also did a great job, she maxed at 85 on the back squat, that's a 15 pound increase and 170 on the deadlift! That's a 25 pound increase! Amazing!!! 

The WOD was the following: 

After we found our new Rep Max for each, it was burpees and box jumps for 5 minutes. Total heart rate riser but doable... We have done WAY worse. I did these without stopping the entire 5 minutes. Did 36 box jumps and 36 burpees. Great 5 min workout! If it was any longer, I probably would of died.

Here's the complete results of the night: 

The first column is back squats, 2nd is shoulder presses, 3rd is dead lifts, and 4th is rounds of 1burpee+1box jump. Go us!!! That's 395 for my Crossfit total and 295 for mom!!! That's amazing considering it's only been 3.5 months of Crossfit! 

Here are some pics from tonight (there's a lot but there are well worth the post! In fact, the faces are just priceless tonight lol)

Me doing backsquats and deadlifts

Mom doing back squats and deadlifts

Craig maxing out at 305!!! Incredible! 

Mom and me doing burpees and boxJumps

What an amazing night! If I could do it all over, I would in a heartbeat! Nice job tonight everyone! 

Tomorrow is speed interval training again at the regular gym! See ya! 


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