Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Back Squats. Holy Crap!

Today's workout was great! Wasn't in too much pain from Monday so I was able to move today lol which is surprising because Monday we did 75 overhead squats among some air squats and everything else...

I know tomorrow I am going to be in pain because tonight was intense. I'm starting to really love CrossFit, I feel like I'm part of a very unique group of people.. It's almost like family and I've only been going for 3 weeks. I absolutely love the care and motivation these people have for one another and for me and my mom.... It truly makes the Crossfit experience that much better.

Anyway, today's workout

Warm up
Row for 2 minutes
Then 3 rounds 
Gobble Squats (26 pounds)
Bear crawl 20 meters
10 minute stretches

WOD: Workout of the Day

I maxed out at 85 pounds on the Back squats!! New accomplishment for me! Go me!
Mom maxed out at 75 pounds! New accomplishment for her too! Go mom! 

During the back squats, we had to pause for 3 seconds in the squatting stance and then stand back up. I actually thought I wasn't going to make it up with the 85 pound bar across my back, but with Maura and Tom cheering me on, I had no choice! I got stuck on the way up but then used every ounce of leg power and core power to rise above. 

Mom got really low on her squats today, the lowest I've seen her! We are really coming along with this Crossfit stuff! Loving every aching and agonizing second of it! Hehe 

The workout AMRAP in 12 minutes was of course, as many rounds as you can do in 12 minutes... Difficult workout but definitely a great one. My arms, abs, and legs were killing me and screaming in pain but I didn't stop! Not once! I completed 9 rounds in 11 minutes... About 1 minute for the 20 Burpees .. Man I really hate them! Mom completed 8 rounds, Maura did 6 and Maria did 9! It was a ladies night tonight and we rocked it!

When doing the 5 shoulder to overhead presses, We all used 35lbs, and all did the push jerk. I should have used more because this was way easier than I thought it would be. Even by round 9, I was lifting that bar with ease. The KB swings were tough but I really used my hips and legs to lift it and gave my arms a break. Sit ups were easy but I said that last time and woke up with SCREAMING abs!  

As I write this, I am starting to feel my muscles get sore...I feel soreness in my shoulders, neck, abs, and back... This is the pain I yearn for so I dare not complain :)  

Another day of CrossFit complete, which is another successful day in my book. 

Tom, me, Bill, and Mom after our workout


Monday, October 28, 2013

Oh Nancy!

Today was the day we were introduced to Nancy...

"Nancy" is a workout that consists of a lot of running (2000 meters total) and overhead squats (75 total). I had a hard time with this workout today. #1 Because I have not yet mastered the form for an overhead squat and #2 Because I pinched a nerve in my arm and my arm went numb on the 4th round of OH squats. Not good, but its about 2 hours later, and I have the feeling back--which is good--So don't worry Bill, I'm okay ;)

Anyway, today was difficult because we took a week off from CrossFit because we (Rob and I) settled on our new home on Thursday (24th) and we have been renovating like crazy... Taking a week off from CrossFit is a BAD idea because it is like Day 1 getting back into it. Well, to be honest, every day is like day 1 because CrossFit is never easy.

Today's Entire Workout

Warm Up:
Row for 2 minutes
15 Air Squats
Hip stretches (5 at 10 seconds)
Shoulder rolls w/PVC
Calf and ankle stretches
15 OHS + Scotts Press w/PVC

Strength Move:
Over head squats
5 sets of 3 (increasing weight each time)

(5 rounds for time. Basically,  how long will it take you to do 5 rounds of 400 meters and 15 OHS)

I maxed at 45 pounds on OHS
Momma maxed at 35 pounds on OHS

During Nancy, we just used the 15 pound bar because our OHS is not mastered. 

All I can say is Go us! It is only officially week 2 of real (not beginner) CrossFit classes and we are pulling our weight!

Now, waiting for the pain to set in and time to go relax and get a cup of hot tea. 

Just Some pics of us practicing our OHS's tonight

Me with 45 lbs

Maura with 35 lbs (She maxed at 45lbs too)

Momma with 35 lbs

This week, we are going Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and hopefully Saturday -Wish us Luck


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

They call them "pistols" for a reason

The pain is starting to finally kick in from yesterday's insane workout. We were introduced to pistols! I'm pretty sure it would have been less painful if I actually used a pistol and shot myself in the quad... Lol I'm not kidding either.

Pistols.... They are squats with one leg.. Look this up if you don't understand... In fact.. Check this YouTube video out and prepare to be completely blown away by this man's ability to do pistols. 

These were extremely difficult to do and I will probably not be able to do them without the assistance of a beam or band for a while. During the workout, I used a beam to assist myself with the pistols but I still did as much as I could to make sure I was using my legs to pull myself up instead of my arms. 

My mom had some difficulty mastering the pistols and decided to do air squats in their place... But don't mistake that for an easy way out. Instead of doing 10 pistols in the workout, she had to do 20 air squats. But I will say that she claims to not be in much pain while I'm sitting here unable to walk. 

So what was yesterday's workout that is now causing me to have trouble moving?

Warm up
Row for 2 minutes
3 rounds
15 jumping jacks
15 air squats

We then did 5 sets of 2 reps with the push press... BUT... We had to max out at the heaviest weight we could lift... And I am SO proud of myself because 2 weeks ago I could only max out at 55 pounds and last night I maxed out at 85 pounds! The coolest part of last night was when Bill said that I am in the top 5 of the strongest girls at Crossfit-856. I acted like it was no big deal... But we all know I was like ooooOooOoohhhhh yeeeahhhhhh lol. My mom did awesome too... She maxed at 75 pounds which is just as amazing because she struggled at 65 last week.

Anyway, after 15-20 minutes of the push press, it was time for the workout. 

WOD: AMRAP in 15 minutes
200 meter run
10 pistols (alternating legs)
10 Burpees (Jump on top of a 45 lb plate to finish Burpee)

Let's just say... Give me a real pistol! (Not really but you know what I mean) This was a very hard workout. I finished 4 rounds plus an additional 200 meter run in 15 minutes. Me and my mom finished side by side at the same time and ran the last 200 meters together...I had to bust my butt on my last set of Burpees because my mom, as well as everyone else, was far ahead of me. When I was done this workout, I had a hard time catching my breath and I could feel the redness burning on my face. My heart was racing and I was dying of thirst. I couldn't even drink water right away because I needed to suck in air without interruption. I must say, it felt awesome finishing this workout! Go us! 

Our weight and rounds after workout.

I get more proud of our strength and endurance AND dedication every time we finish a workout. 

Time to go use the foam roller and take an Epsom bath because every muscle below my neck is hurting more every hour that passes. 


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pictures :)

About to climb the rope

Working hard to get up that rope!

Trying to grasp that foot clamp!
Rob and My Shin after rope climbing :O


It's been almost a week since my last post... and it is safe to say.. I am still alive...In intense pain, but alive ;) 


On Saturday (2 days ago), Me, my mom, and Rob decided to go to CrossFit. Bill said Saturday's are more of a conditioning (longer) workout rather than a heavy lifting, intense workout. 

I have come to the conclusion that whenever Bill says something is not as hard or not as intense... It's usually impossible and insanely intense and when he says its hard... It means, I'm going to die. 

Let me run you through Saturday for a second, so you can understand what I am talking about.

It began with our warm-up

5 pull ups
7 push ups
9 air squats

Not bad.. except we had to do 5 rounds of that. (Dead already)THEN run 400 meters. 

I managed to do this without stopping. Took me a little longer than the others, but still, did not stop. I must say that when I got to the run, my mind was saying I can't do this and I so badly wanted to walk, but I just kept pushing and kept shoving one foot in front of the other. 

After the warm-up, we cooled off for a second and then were told that we were going to be climbing rope during the workout so we were given about 20 minutes to practice and get the technique down. 

I thought rope climbing looked easy (Again, Bill makes everything look freaking easy!) but clearly, it is NOT

I could only get about 1/4 of the way up the rope before coming back down. I got the movement of it, I just have to work on holding the rope between my feet. My shin was starting to throb after the third attempt. Now (2 days later), I have a bruise the size of an orange on my lower shin to prove the attempts and the pain I was experiencing (Its okay, you know what they say... bruises build character... aka battle wounds). 

My mom struggled a bit with the rope climbing. Again, I think it is due to the way we are clamping the rope between our feet (meaning, we aren't doing that right-lol). I know with time we will get better at this. 

Rob, on the other hand, was doing awesome. He really impressed me with his strength and stamina during the entire workout, being that he really hasn't been doing any kind of strength or endurance training prior to CrossFit. Me and my mom have been working out for a while now, so you would think we would be better off... but clearly, we are not. 

After we attempted the rope several times, we walked through our upcoming workout. The workout was For Time, which means you have to complete the workout, trying to get it done as fast as you possibly can. 

WOD: For Time

1000 meter Row 
200 meter Farmers (35lbs(in each hand)-me and mom, 70lbs-Rob)
3 rope climbs
800 meter run
200 Over Head Walks (55lb- me, 35lb-mom, 65lb-Rob)
3 rope climbs



Arty (The other owner/trainer) kicked butt and finished in 16:56... This is a time to work towards! 

We had a nice size class and every one did an awesome job. Some of the other members and times were...


I must say (and i think I speak for all of us, well me rob and mom)... This was the most difficult workout up to date. Every muscle in my body was killing me. The row was the furthest we ever rowed so far considering we usually do 500 meters and we think that is tough. I had a hard time with the farmers walk and the over head walk, stopping every 50 meters, screaming in pain... My shoulders were on fire throughout the entire workout. The rope climbs burned my hands and shins. The run killed me and I almost puked. I was ... without a doubt... repeating the words "YOU CAN DO IT" over and over again in my head during this entire workout. 

After we finished, I felt such a sense of accomplishment, I would have jumped up and down with joy if I had a muscle left that worked properly. However, we all just sat down and chugged water, caught our breaths, and high-fived each other. 

Another "INTENSE" workout was conquered. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Workout #2

Today was insane! My quads are on fire and I can't walk already and it hasn't even been 2 hours since my workout. Probably one of the most difficult workouts thus far. Here's a picture of the board which lists our Warm up and WOD:

As new CrossFitters, we think the warm-ups are tough and every time we finish them, we look at each other and just take a deep breath because we know we have a long way to go before the workout is over. 

After the warm up, we did a 15 minute power move, which today was the Push Jerk. We had to keep adding weight to the bar as long as we could complete 5 reps with that weight. I maxed out at 55 pounds. I tried 65 pounds but could only complete 4 reps (therefore, it doesn't count >:0 ). 

My mom maxed at 65 and completed 5 reps! Go Momma! 

After our power move, we began the WOD. Saying it was hard is such an understatement! I had to push myself to complete as much as I could. I finished 5 rounds and an additional 15 reps of wall balls and 10 kettle thrusts and my mom finished 5 rounds with an additional 15 reps of wall balls (all in 12 minutes). 

The hardest part of today's workout was the toes to bar. We had to hang from the bar and try to bring our toes up to the bar in front of us. This was impossible and we could barely bring our knees up an inch. My mom doesn't understand how when we are little, we can do this on the monkey bars all day long (lol) and now, forget about doing even one.

I wish I could say that these workouts get easier, but they don't. CrossFit will never be easy (so they say)... What I can say is that we are getting better, and that's all that matter. 

One day at a time.


Pictures :)

Day 2 After Workout Flexing those arms! 

Overhead Press 65lbs

Push Jerk 55 lbs 5RM

My hands are turning rough

Just some action shots

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

First "real" Workout

Short, sweet, and to the point...

How can I sum up my first CrossFit experience? Well, let's put it this way... I could of gotten jumped, beaten up, and then kicked several times while I was down by a herd of people and I'd probably feel the same amount of pain as I do right now.

Other than the callouses on my hands, the inability to walk, the bruises on my shoulders and collar bone, and the shooting pain running through my thighs, I'd say Crossfit is amazing and I can't wait to go back (that makes sense right?)

Today we completed "Fran"

Warm up:
500 meter row
3 Rounds
8-wall squats (8 lb ball)
10-Front Squat (35 pounds)
12-push press (35 pounds)

Then, we did the thruster (which is just dip and drive with the bar)
5 sets of 3 going up in weight each time
I maxed at 65 lbs (3reps)

WOD: Fran
21 reps-15 reps-9 reps of each
Thruster  (35 lbs)
Pull ups (black band with green band assist)

Fran took me 14 minutes and 50 seconds. Again, momma kicked my butt and completed this in 12 minutes 22 seconds. 

During the WOD, I felt a little dizzy and a little sick, stopping several times during the thruster. The pull ups were also a challenge and I had to break, both the thruster and the pull ups, up into sets. I tried to complete as many reps as I could without my arms giving out. This was an extremely intense workout, and like I said, getting jumped by a herd of people would of given me the same pain.

After I finished Fran, I dry heaved several times but managed not to hurl.

I feel accomplished and I feel like I really did give it all I had... Then again, I'm sure I could of pushed a little harder. If it wasn't for Bill's motivation and encouragement, I would of given up several times during the workout. He's the man.

Tonight's Agenda:
Protein shake
Epsom Salt bath
Muscle rub down
Cup of hot decaf tea

Quote of the day: "Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction."


Monday, October 14, 2013

Beginner's Week Complete

After surviving Day 1 of CrossFit, there were still 3 more days to go until our beginner's courses were complete. Today marks the day that all 4 are done (October 14th). Tomorrow starts the real adventure as we attempt our first real CrossFit class with other members. 

Before I blog about the first real class, come tomorrow, I want to sum up the first 4 beginner's classes. 

Surviving Day 1 was difficult, not knowing what to expect, and nearly (well I did) puking our guts up after the extreme workout we went through; however, little did we know the agonizing pain we would experience later that week. 

We decided to go the next day for the 2nd beginner's class instead of having a break in between (BAD IDEA). Although Day 2 was not as rigorous as Day 1, our muscles from Day 1 were still developing pain (They always say Day 2 after a workout is the worst pain--Boy are they right about that!) 

Well, Day 2 consisted of an introduction to the overhead press with a bar, burpees, dip & drive with the bar, and dip drive dip with the bar. The overhead press is simply what it states...You are grabbing the Barbell, and simply lifting it over your head. Adding a few dips in there just means you are squatting with the bar over your head. These motions took a few tries to grasp but we seemed to get the hang of it pretty quickly. After practicing each workout, it was time to begin our workout. The crazy part is, practicing these moves and workouts are a workout in itself. So Day 2 WOD was as follows:

As many rounds as you can in 8 minutes
Dip and Drive (6) - 35 pounds
Burpees (8)
Lunges (10)

Doesn't look like much does it? Especially considering it is only an 8 minute workout right? WRONG! Talk about a full body workout in under 10 minutes. Although this was tough, it was still nothing like the first day; therefore, we got through it and completed about 4 rounds (However, it took us 8 minutes and 30 seconds to complete 4 rounds). We were dripping sweat, dying of thirst, and of course, exhausted. Our bodies were already hurting from Day 1 and now we just added on a boat load of more pain.

After this workout, we went home, ate dinner, showered, and went to bed. Come the next morning... Yeah, I couldn't move. Getting out of bed took me several minutes... and getting ready for work.. forget about it. I couldn't even move my arms to put my hair up. I struggled through and made it to work on time. 

As the day progressed, the pain got worse. I couldn't move! Now, I am an 8th grade science teacher, so I can't really sit around and relax all day, this calls for the good old saying "Kill me now." My students were asking me "What is wrong with you Miss DeSanto?" and "Are you okay?" as I squinted in pain saying "I'm fine." As far as my coworkers, they knew I was in agony and all they could say is "You are nuts for doing crossfit."

When I got home, I just rested and relaxed ALL NIGHT LONG. I couldn't really do anything else, the pain was just so bad. Of course, my mom was feeling the same way. She texted me with painful looking emoticons and said "Alyss, I've never been in this much pain from a workout." We knew that we needed a day off after this type of craziness. 

We had a day off in between and were ready for Day 3 on Friday. Day 3 was much easier compared to day 1 and 2. We were still a little sore but we were ready to CrossFit! 

Day 3 started with a 3 round warm up: 10 push ups, 10 gobble squats, and 20 meter lunges. We were a little winded after the warm up but nothing we weren't use to thus far. We then learned how to do Medicine ball wall throws and squats (which is just throwing a medicine ball up against the wall and then catching it and going into a squat), and kettle bell thrusts. 

3 rounds (21 reps first round, 15 reps second round, and 9 reps third round)
Medicine ball wall throws and squats (8 pound ball)
Kettle Bell Thrusts (18 pounds)

Took us about 5 and a half minutes to complete the three rounds and took everything we had to not stop...

After a long weekend break (boy did we need it), it was time for the last and final beginner's class. 

Day 4

Today was difficult but much needed. We started with a typical warm-up that Bill walked us through. It consisted of:
500 m row
Frankenstein walks
Samson lunges
shoulder stretched
ankle stretches
hip stretched
groin stretch

After the warm-up, we learned how to do the clean & jerk (snatch) with the barbell. This is difficult and I still haven't mastered it but I know with time I will get better. My mom was doing a great job and had the motions done perfectly. 

We then did box jumps. These are difficult. We had to jump with both feet onto a box that was about 2 1/2 feet high. Not too bad at first, but after 10, you are in pain and out of breath. One day.. and I will accomplish this... I will jump on that box like Bill. He actually looks like he is levitating up onto the box (then again, he makes every single thing look easier than saying my ABC's).

After we mastered the motions... Time for our workout.

Run 400 meters as fast as you can
25 box jumps
Run 400 meter as fast as you can

Took me 6 minutes 42 seconds and took my mom about 7 minutes 20 seconds

After this workout, I threw up. This is now the second time CrossFit has made me puke. Thank you CrossFit.

As I sit here and write this... I am wondering what type of pain I will be in tomorrow. Tomorrow, as in, tomorrow morning when I wake up and tomorrow night after my first real CrossFit class.

I am hoping and praying that we have the strength and courage to push ourselves tomorrow. I want elite fitness and I want to be a CrossFit woman. I want to be strong, fit, and healthy. 

Only time will tell. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day 1 - Survival

Our first crossfit experience was on October 7th, 2013 at 5:30 with our awesome trainers Bill and Tom. On our way to crossfit, I felt a little sick, nervous, and overwhelmed by what I was about to experience. The night before, I was looking up videos and pictures and knew I was in for something that I had never done before. When we walked in, it was a little weird at first...There were about 10 people just scattered around the box, doing random workouts. We were then introduced to Tom (another trainer), followed by Bill (the owner). Right away he asked us to just stretch and hang out while we were waiting for the previous class to end. I said "What do you mean stretch? Like regular stretching?" Bill laughed and said "No, like a quick warm-up." My mom and I looked at each other and we were like "What?"

Bill then said, "Do you wanna go for a quick run?" We said "Yeah!" (Being that running is one thing we know were good at). Little did we know that Bill would basically sprint out the door while we maintained our slow jog. Bill kept with our pace and we did a quick loop (200 meters) around the building. The run was a little uphill and we tried to pick up the pace due to Bill's pace; therefore, this winded us a bit. When we got back, it was time to be introduced to some workouts. Bill had us use the row machine and do 500 meters right off the bat. DIfficult but a good workout. Next, we did some air squats (about 25, holding every 4th squat for 5 seconds when we were down). We were pretty good with squats since we did the squat challenge a little while back. Air squats are a little different then regular squats because you go all the way to the floor (These are what crossfit is all about). Sit-ups were next and these were very easy (we did about 25). They put a small rounded mat behind your back. With legs bent in a butterfly position, the key is to go down and stretch your arms all the way behind your head and come out reaching out past your feet. We then were shown the proper way to do push-ups (with elbows and arms back). Of course, we had to do the easy push-ups which is to go down to the floor and then come half up into the snake position and then fully extend up (these were still very difficult and our arms felt like jello). Pull-ups were next and it MUST be known that these are IMPOSSIBLE without the assistance of a rubber band. I started with the medium band and my mom started with the easiest band. We each did about 5 just to get the hang of them. The last workout we were introduced to was the deadlift. We started with a 15 pound bar with 10 pounds on each side (35 pounds total-nothing right?). These weren't too bad; however, the motion is a difficult thing to get use to. You have to squat down, pick up the bar, then roll the bar up past your shins and thighs, and then straighten your back out. Once you have the bar picked up, you then start to bring it back down to the floor...Once it is past your knees, you then slightly bend them and drop the bar to the floor (It is going to take some getting use too). We did about 10 deadliest, practicing our motion more than anything. 

After we finished all of this, Bill then looks at us and says "Okay, so are you guys ready for your workout of the day (WOD)?" We said "WHAT?" He laughed and said "That was just me showing you how to do everything and making you comfortable with the movements." My mom and I looked at each other and said let's just do it. Bill then goes up to his white bored and grabs his blue expo marker. He jots down everything we just did and it looked just like this...

250m Rows
30 air squats
25 sit-ups
20 push-ups
15 pull-ups 10 dead lifts

Then Bill writes the dreaded words above this list... "2 rounds"

He tells us that we are to do this workout as fast as we can, not once, but TWICE...

I looked at my mom and said "This is going to be hard!" She agreed, and then off we went. 

After almost passing out several times, sweating buckets of water, and almost throwing up, we finished both rounds. My mom kicked my butt in both! I finished round 1 in 8 minutes and 30 seconds and round 2 in 9 minutes and 10 seconds. My mom finished both rounds a little under my time. I blame it on the easy pull-up band she had (but we both know she has better endurance for this stuff because she use to do circuit training). 

During the WOD, I found myself out of breath the entire time. I was doing everything I could to catch my breath, but it just wasn't happening. I think the key to the rounds is to just focus on getting done each individual workout rather than the entire WOD. Then, after each workout, taking about 10 full breaths while moving into the next workout. Like I said, it was not easy!!!

When we were finished, we were sucking in our breaths like we just completed an iron man marathon. I was sucking down water and breathing in oxygen like I had never had it before! We were wiped out.. physically and mentally. Bill had us sit down after and told us he wanted us to come back the next day for another beginners class. My mom and I just stared at each other and chuckled a little (This was no beginner class by ANY and ALL means).

On our car ride home, we just talked about how difficult it was. I told my mom I felt nauseous and she told me she had to prevent herself from throwing up several times throughout the workout. I told her that I was going to puke when we got out of the car. We were, to say the least, BEAT!

When we got home, sure enough, I started gagging and puking in the parking lot of my complex. Nothing actually came out of me except water. My mom had to keep walking because seeing me do that made her have to. We got inside, sat on the couch, and just moaned and shrewed. It was over...

Day 1 ... and we survived. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Decide, Commit, Succeed

How in the world did I become a crossfitter over night and how did I decide to blog about it??? Two interesting questions that's for sure.

Let's start with a little bit about myself. I am 25 years old, 5'6'', female, about 140 lbs. I consider myself in good shape (of course I could always be in better shape-but can't we all?) and I feel as though I have had to maintain my figure for about 5 years now. When I was in high school (my junior year) I was the heaviest I had ever been (155 lbs) and I decided to change a lot about my diet and activity. I began working out 6 days a week and dieting, which consisted of only running and eating green beans and cottage cheese (not an ideal workout plan that's for sure). Well, to say the least, I did lose about 30 pounds in about 4-6 months and was down to 122 lbs.

122 pounds! I think about that now and it sounds crazy. Nowadays, I weigh about 135-140 lbs and I have been this was for about 3 years now. Less than a year ago, my mom and I decided to try to get in shape... and of course, lose those few extra pounds every woman wants to lose. Well, we started running... I should say walking at first considering we couldn't even run for a minute without stopping and gasping for air. We slowly got better and now, 9 months later, mastered the art of running. We can run for miles, managing our breathing, and of course, without really stopping. This sounds great; however, we have realized that after 9 months of running, we are still the same weight. I know this sounds unreasonable, but somehow... we step on a scale and we see no difference in numbers! I will say that my body has changed slightly, but nowhere near what it should be after running for nine months. Without a doubt our heart and lungs are incredibly stronger and healthier and we for sure have built up stamina, endurance, and strength.... but where is the tone, fit body we set out for???

That leads me to the answer to my original question--> How did I become a crossfitter over night?

October 5th, 6 days ago... I was sitting in my kitchen when my fiancé (Rob) said to me, "Hey, you should try crossfit." I said what? and shrugged it off. End of conversation. Now, I had heard him talk about this before and I have heard others speak about crossfit here and there but I never thought it was something for girls, or average people, or anyone other than Olympic, insanely athletic people. Little did I know that he sent my mom videos and links to crossfit websites, filling her in on the craziness. Next think I know, I am sitting in my kitchen the following night with my mom, drinking protein shakes, after we had a nice run and small weight lifting workout, when Rob decides to show us some crossfit videos on youtube. Well, to make a long story short... we were interested.

Sure enough, Monday, October 7th, we started our first Crossfit workout at a local crossfit box (box not gym, because it is literally a box--square room of a warehouse, with rubber matted floors and a bunch of weights, bars, balls, and every other piece of workout equipment you can imagine other than actual workout machines...) and all I can say is.. "OOOOWWWWW!!!!"