Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jumping Squats!

Our legs are gonna be hurting tomorrow, that's for sure! 

Tonight's warmup 

Tonight's WOD 
Mom doing push press! 

Tonight's results 

Nice job everyone!

Short and sweet post! 


Monday, August 25, 2014

Way too long.

This summer has completely messed up my workout routines.. After a week in ocmd, it feels so good to be back! We went beastmode cowboy on tonight's workout! Haha 
Warmup tonight

Got the heart pumping! 

Back squats were TOUGHHHH!!

We had to pause for a complete 3 seconds at the bottom with no bouncing allowed to get us back up, just drive from within. So hard but felt so good!!!!! 

The workout was doable but the push-ups made our arms feels like jello! 

We finished 5 rounds in 14 minutes and 8 seconds. 

Nice workout! Nice job girls!!


Thursday, August 14, 2014


What a great workout!!! 
Overhead squats are difficult! I think balancing with the bar overhead is the hardest part, but as soon as we got that down, it was a little easier. I was able to do 3 reps of 65 and mom did 3 reps of 45. 

Some pictures of overhead squats

The workout looked very hard but actually wasn't too bad. We were allowed to break it up however we wanted. Mom broke it up into 4 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 15 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, and 25 lunges.
I broke it up by doing all 40 pull-ups, then started a combo of back and forth with lunges and push-ups, then ended with the sit-ups. All in all, was a nice workout! Arms feel like jello but we've been waiting for a good arm workout. 

Results of workout 


Kettle Bell Loving!

This workout was all about kettle bells and as Bill would call it, all mental!

We started off doing a power move (not using kettle bells), which was the split jerk. Last time I did these, I got 115 as my max and mom had 75. Tonight we had to find a 2 rep max. 

Mine was 120 and Mom's was 85! We both increased in our one rep max by doing two of a higher weight!!!! Incredible!!!


Tonight's workout was:

AMRAP in 12 minutes 
8 kettle bells sumo deadlifts 
8 kettle bell swings
8 goblet squats with kettle bell

For the Majoriy of my workout, I used a 35 pound kettle bell and then switched to 26 pounds around 8 minutes. Mom used 26 for the workout. 

Here are the results:

Not bad, 7 rounds and some change for all of us! That was tough! And of course, all mental. 

A pic of Our PR's on the board ..

Crossfit every day this week=determined


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Snatch it!

Did snatches tonight. They were so hard!!! Last time we did these was probably 3 months ago. The humidity was so high tonight too so that definetly didn't help! Anyway here's some pictures of us doing snatches.
I got a new PR of 80 and mom got a new PR of 60!!!! Always good to get a new personal record ;) 

The workout looked so easy, but it was not even a little easy...


Me and mom banged out the last set of wall balls together without stopping, so proud of our determination. We both finished at 9 minutes and 15 seconds! Such a tiring and sweaty workout!


AMRAP in 16

Tough workout last night, the front squats felt so good to complete and really did a number on our legs! Of course, loved every second of it! I used 85 for the 70% and mom used 65. 

Here's some pictures of us during the workout. After the run, it was Deadlifts first, then shoulder to overheads...

The workout wiped us out, especially the running part. I used 55lbs In the workout and mom used 45. We both finished 6 rounds even in 16 minutes! Great job!!!


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Saturday Morning!

9am sharp and a packed Crossfit class today! 

Me and mom both PR'd our clean and jerk wooooo hooooo!!

I got 105lbs and mom got 75 lbs! I was at 100 and mom was at 60. She went up 15 lbs! That's incredible!!! 

The workout was really tough today and I should of took it easy because I killed my back! 

Anyway, here's some pics of clean and jerks.

We didn't keep track of time today but I think mom finished around 10 and I finished around 13 minutes. Nice workout! 


8/4/14 late post

Definitely felt like the month off set me back in tonight's workout. 

My 1 rep max for the push press is 125 and I couldn't get to it tonight. Could only do 120 (frustrating!) 

Anyway, it was a good workout all in all! Mom spent some time practicing her form on the push press so she didn't use a lot of weight. Form is better with less weight then trying to lift a ton of weight, doing it wrong. 

Here's some pictures of us doing the push press :)

During the WOD, the double unders killed me! I tried to stick it out but did the last round with singles. The doubles slow me down and it drives me crazy. 

Instead of Chest to bar, I did deficit push-ups because my hand was still torn open from the week before. 

Mom did chest to bar the entire time, which is not easy! She did singles, not yet a master of the doubles. Soon! 

Results from tonight.

Nice job everyone! 
