Friday, November 22, 2013

Socks Tonight!

"Make sure you wear socks tonight, hint.hint." That's what Bill posted on his website... That only means one thing. ROPE CLIMBS

I love that even with 2 pairs of high socks on, my sock is rope burnt and stained brown and my leg underneath is bruised. Lol gotta love rope climbs! 

The truth is, I do love climbing the rope and the reason is because I can actually do it now! Easily too! But after three rounds, not so much. ;) 


So we ran 400 meters and no matter how long this took you, after 2 minutes and 30 seconds, we were starting the warm-up. So if the 400 meters took you a minute and a half, you had a minute to rest... If it took you 2 minutes and 20 seconds, you had 10 seconds to rest. Me n mom finished at 2 minutes and had a 30 second break before rope climbs. Then we had to climb the rope as many times as we could in 1 minute, box jumps for one minute, overhead presses (45 pounds for me and 35 for mom) for one minute, and sits ups for one minute. 3 rounds

Not easy, but not too bad compared to the workouts earlier this week. We did awesome tonight and once again, I left crossfit feeling amazing. 

I could climb the rope one and a half times in a minute, but the Crossfit rule remains; if you don't complete it, it doesn't count. With that being said, I got one rope climb each round. Mom's back was killing her (she pulled something doing wall climbs a week ago), so she did alternate rope climbs and just picked her body up off the floor by climbing the rope (all upper body strength which is even harder then climbing the rope). 

Going into box jumps wasn't too bad because it have my arms a break. I got about 20 each round. Overhead presses were tough because my arms were weak from the rope, but I got about 10-15 each round and so did mom. The sit-ups really upped my reps per round. I got about 30-35 each round. All in all.. Here are the results of the workout: 

A lot of people in class today and tonight!

        Round   1.       2.         3.     Total
Me                70      73        67     210
Mom             62      65        71     198

Nice workout tonight!!!! Now time to relax. Desciding on whether or not I'm going tomorrow morning :? Mom is taking the day off because of her pulled back muscle.. So it's the first time I'd be going without her :( we'll see. 


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

OH Squats

If I wasn't in extreme pain going into this workout, things might have been a little different; however, last night was so tough that I started feeling muscle pain less than 24 hours later. Therefore, walking into Crossfit tonight was already hard because my arms, legs, and back were screaming with soreness. 

Tonight's warm-up was easy.. Row for 2 minutes, 40m lunges, then group stretch. The group stretch was designed to help us practice our overhead squats. We used a PVC pipe and rotated our shoulders and did sets of five lowering our squat stance each time. This was tough because of the muscle soreness but it definetly loosened us up. 


I maxed at 70 pounds on my last rep. Mom maxed at 50! Here's some pics of us doing our overhead squats.

Me with 70 (1 max), 55(3 sets), 35(5 sets)  pounds 

Momma with 35(5 sets), 45(3 sets), 50 (1 max)

Results from the workout: 
Me: 6 rounds + 4 vertical jumps and 6 toes to bar
Mom: 6 rounds + 4 vertical jumps, 6 toes to bar, and 5 push ups

Total we did
28 vertical jumps
42 toes to bar
48 push ups (me) 53 (mom) 

Not an easy task after yesterday's workout. I can't imagine the pain I'll be in when I wake up tomorrow. It's not going to be pleasant... But I'll manage. I actually feel pretty incredible right now. Night!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Is it Over Yet?

Tonight's workout kicked the absolute living crap out of me and my mom. In fact, it kicked the crap out of everyone. 

This workout was nearly impossible and it was the first workout, that when finished, my mom actually said the words, "That workout make me almost quit Crossfit tonight." It was the first workout that I almost gave up on entirely. 

Why or how could this be? After one month of Crossfit, we should be out of the rookie "I can't do this" stage and into the "I can do any workout! Bring it" stage. 

Well... This is why. 

Here was our warm-up:

That's 25 pull-ups, 50 push-ups, and 75 air squats. After a warm-up like that, my arms were jello and I was ready to call it a night lol (the sad part is, I'm not joking). 

However, the exciting part about this warm up was I upgraded to the GREEN band and retired the BLACK band! So awesome! Getting stronger! Mom upgraded to BLACK band and retired the PURPLE band! Feeling accomplished!

We took a few minutes to catch our breaths and get some water...


Seriously????! Bill, the truth is out... You want us dead! 4 ROUNDS for time! Just looking at this WOD made me want to throw up! 

Just so you are aware...

That's 15 sumo dead lifts
20 burpees and jumping over the bar
And 25 wall ball shots! 
After 4 rounds
That's 60 dead lifts!!
80 burpees!
And 100 wall ball shots!!! 

Then, after all that, farmers carry with 50 pounds as far as you can go! 

Let's not forget, the insane warm up we just did! 

All in all...

This was a very hard workout. In fact, if I was brand new to Crossfit, I'd never go back. The truth is, Crossfit never gets easy, you just get better. My new motto is, "Forget about the way I look, it's all about the way I feel."

After completing a work out like this, the feeling is almost feel like you can conquer any obstacle that life throws at you. You feel elated and on top of the world. You feel powerful and beautiful. You feel... Joy. Pure Joy. That alone is why I go back. Nothing can take that feeling away... And that is why Croasfit is our addiction.

Okay, enough of the inspirational stuff... 

Took mom and me 28 minutes and 6 seconds to complete 4 rounds. We finished together and banged out that last set of wall balls with everything we had! The high five after this one was well deserved

We both walked 100 meters doing the farmers carry with 50 pounds. My calves were on fire! My hands were burning! My legs, arms, and back were screaming! This was an accomplishment! 

Thanks to Bryan (the best camera guy ever!) we got some awesome pictures of tonight's workout. 

Me sumo dead lifting (35 pounds)

Mom, me, and Maura doing Burpees and jumping over the bar! 
Momma and me doing our wall ball shots! 10lbs (me) 8lbs (mom)

Me and mom doing the farmers carry with 50 lbs!

My priceless faces after my hands are shred to pieces! Lol

This week, we are going 3 days in a row. Let's see how much pain we are in by Friday. Can't wait! 😉


Saturday, November 16, 2013

So twisted....

What I am about to say, I have said before; however, this time I mean it 10 fold... 

"Today's workout was so hard, if not the hardest workout yet!!!! I almost passed out from being so winded!!"

Saturday's are always a little harder than the weekday workouts because we spend more time doing a cardio, non-stop moving workout, rather than a power lifting/normal workout. 

This Saturday... Let's just say that I have never felt so winded from crossfit like I felt today. I think my mom would agree 100%. 

This was today's workout.

So, that's a 20 minute workout.. Not bad, except for the fact that each minute, we had to do 5 pull ups, 5 thrusters with the right arm and then 5 thrusters with the left arm. Thrusters are squating with a kettle bell in your hand, with your arm bent like you were going to do a tricep extension, and then thrusting that kettle bell into the air when you come up from the squat (not easy, especially when the kettle bell is 18 pounds!) 

Any remaining time, after the thrusters, in that minute was spent recovering getting ready for the next minute. Let's just say that if I got 5 seconds to spare I was lucky! 

The 5 pull ups took me about 30-45 seconds, then I had to cram the 10 thrusters in 15 seconds (YEAH RIGHT! NOT HAPPENING...)

I fell behind quickly in this workout and instead of completing 20 rounds, I completed 15. Mom kicked butt today and completed 17 rounds. I had ZERO breaks in this workout... Every time I finished those thrusters, it was right into the pull ups... I thought I was going to die! I was sweating, out of breath, dying of thirst, and worst of all, my arms were shaking and starting to feel like jello! I got dizzy a few times from the intensity.. Felt a little nauseous... Oh yeah and almost passed out... (Did I mention how much fun crossfit is?) 

At one point, thrusters were impossible and I had to stop and do air squats... I can't get over how hard this was today! 

Some snapshots my mom got of me after the workout, when I crashed to the floor from the intensity of it all. I have the look of "Get that camera away from me" going on. Haha

Let's just say, that there were people in class that have been going to crossfit for 6+ months and they were even saying that this was the first workout In a long time that they actually thought they weren't going to be able to finish. One guy even said it was the hardest workout in the past 4 months. So, I'm not kidding when I say I thought I was going to die.

It is so twisted... This CrossFit thing... I mean, when I actually read about the pain and insanity I go through... I think, "People must think I'm crazy for going back." 

The truth is, no one (and I mean no one, unless you do it yourself) understands the feeling CrossFit brings... and the results you see.. The feeling of self accomplishment and determination... The motivation and camaraderie of the people You work out with... The happiness and euphoric feeling you receive at the end of each workout... 

So you see.... Even after a day like today... I must go back and I will go back. This twisted obsession has become such a big part of my lifestyle.  

It's crazy thinking about the workout my arms went through today and I always love analyzing the results. All in all I did 75 pull ups, and 150 thrusters! That's so insane! I'm so proud of myself! The thought of 1 pull up in the past made me sweat and I did 75!!!!!!! CrossFit really is a competition with yourself. 

Love this picture! Mom looks so funny! Hehe... Maria taking a picture of our broken-down, out-of-breath, crying selves. Our poor hands lost skin during this workout, even though we wrapped them with tape! 

Like I always say... Another great workout, another successful day!  


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sweat is dripping!

Holy crap! I am hurting! Today was INSANE

I'm going to make this short and sweet, #1 because I'm so beat and #2 because this workout can easily be described in one word.... "Exhausting

Here's the board of the Warm-Up and WOD:

Ryan gave us an awesome workout today!!! After the warm up, we were definitely warm!!! In fact, I started to sweat, so warm is an understatement. 

After the warm-up, we spent about 20 minutes finding the max weight we could push press by increasing the weight in 5 rounds of 5 reps.

This was way harder than I thought and I set my expectations too high for myself. Doing one rep max is easy because you're only doing one! However, doing 5 in a row... Well, that's a different story! 

I maxed at 70 pounds 
Mom maxed at 60 pounds! 

After that 5th round, my wrists were killing me and I was aching! As well as, my shoulders, back, arms, and legs... Lol 


Time to begin the actual workout. 

The "Climb the ladder" as high as possible in 12 minutes, means this....

1 wall ball (10lbs), 1 pull up
2 wall balls, 2 pull ups
3 wall balls, 3 pull ups

And on and on and on til time runs out....

So, how did we do???

Mom, 11 rounds plus 12 pull ups and 7 wall balls
Me, 12 rounds plus 5 pull ups.

Just for fun.. I added up reps of each
                    Me           Mom
Wall balls     78              73
Pull ups       83              78

That's crazy!

Let's just say, after 12 minutes, I fell to the ground, sucking in air like I was dying (literally) and layed on my back because sitting was too hard. Crossfit, you rock!!! Us Crossfitters are so demented, I know. 

Success is what it really is! Awesome!


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wall Climbs.

Tonight was fun! And like I say to my students all the time, "My idea of fun might be 'slightly' different from yours." Hehe

We started the night off with a basic warm up.. Rowing, stretching, lunges, squats, etc. 

Then, we did some tough stuff... 1 rep max of the Clean with a max weight, adding to the bar after each rep. I am so proud of my mom and myself... I maxed at 90 and she maxed at 55! 

The clean is not easy. It's a dead lift, taking the bar right off the floor, up your body, leaning that weight back on those hammies, while they scream with scortching pain, and lifting that bar onto your shoulders with arms up. Arms, lower back, shoulders, and hamstrings get an incredible workout with the Clean! 

The entire movement of the Clean should be done in one "clean" movement; however, this is really hard for me and I have to break it into two movements. I will say that during the WOD, I was able to do it in one movement a couple of times :) 

Some pics of mom doing Clean
Me with the Clean

After about 15 minutes of doing Cleans and finding max weight, it was time to do the WOD. 

Total Reps in 8 minutes
1 wall climb
2 Clean at 80% max weight 

With that being said, I completed 8 rounds and 1 wall climb, mom completed 9 rounds! I used 65 pounds for my Cleans and mom used 45 :) Go Us! Stronger every day! 

The wall climbs were not easy but definetly were an amazing workout! I don't think I could do 2 in a row even if I tried. It's an incredible shoulder workout and as I lay here and type this post, my shoulders are screaming! It's amazing what kind of workout you get from just lifting your own body weight... 

Climbing that wall never looked so good! 

Another great workout! Thanks Bill! 


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Box Jumps :O

Oh Saturday! How we love Saturday workouts! They are always so tough but are such incredible strength and conditioning workouts. Today, Arty (the other main owner of Crossfit856) ran this workout. He gave us an awesome workout.; however, I must say that after one month of Crossfit, these workouts still leave me standing ready to throw my guts up. Today was actually the first time in 3 weeks that a workout made me want to throw up. The reason???? Welll, the WOD was as follows:

5 Rounds for Reps
1 minute of box Jumps
1 minute of V-ups
1 minute of rowing (calories)
1 minute of rest

That one minute of rest was NOT long enough! I was fine all the way up until the 5th round. I tried to really push myself and after 21 box jumps, had to stop moving because I was about a second away from throwing up. I took about 5 deep breaths and then got right into the V-Ups.  Those 3 minutes of box jumps, v-ups, and rows are so intense because you don't get a second to stop. It's so hard to keep your body moving on these tough workouts for 3 minutes straight! Not only that, but then doing it for 5 rounds with only a minute in between each round (which really feels like 10 seconds).

Anyway, this workout really kicked the crap out of us considering the night before was enough to knock us out of commission for a few days. .. Before the WOD, we learned how to do ring push ups... These were really difficult and we were even doing the easy way out, which was to lean on our knees instead of in a regular push up stance.  We had to do 5 sets of 5 and even that was a struggle!  After the ring push ups, we got right into the workout.

Results of WOD
Total Reps in 5 rounds:
Alyssa: 259
Mom: 227

Wow that's a lot of reps! Go us! On comes the pain! In fact, I can't even lift my arms right now lol.. Tomorrow will be the worst! Love that sore muscle pain! My life wouldn't be the same without it!!!

Thanks Arty for a great workout! Now were going to be in pain for the next several days! Today was an amazing day!!!! (Not just because of a great CrossFit workout, but because I got my wedding dress!!!)  One more reason why I need a killer, strong, lean, cut body!!!

Pics of today's workout:

Ring Push-Ups


Box Jumps
Row Machine


Friday, November 8, 2013


Darn right we're inverted! At least we were tonight with this WOD!

Tonight was extremely difficult to say the least! We did a typical warm up tonight (row for 3 minutes,  Frankenstein walks, Samson stretches, PVC dislocates, shoulder rotations, 30 air squats, wrists stretches, ankle stretches, and wall stretches... I think I got it all covered). 

The inverted hang to lower was tough at first but we picked up on the motion quickly and were able to lift our bodies to the inverted position. The thing we didn't pick up on quickly is being able to really do it lol. After you are inverted, the key is to bring your knees to your chest (so it's easier to lower) and slowly come back down to the ground. Your core has to be so strong for this! We couldn't really come down slowly the entire time, only at the initial lowering down. It is unreal how fit Bill is and others like Bryan, who are able to invert and bring their bodies down at such a steady, slow pace. I can't wait till we are able to do this! 

But hey, it's only been a month of CrossFit and I am so incredibly proud of my mom and myself! We have come a long way in such a short amount of time. 

Anyway, today's WOD was so hard! I was sweating my booty off and it's like 55 degrees in that box! This was a much needed workout after a 2 day break.  Doing as many rounds of 7 jumping squats, 5 chest to bars, and 3 handstand push-ups, in 15 minutes is clearly not easy! 

I completed 11 rounds and another set of 7 jumping squats and 5 chest to bar pull-ups and Mom cleared 11 rounds! It's crazy to think that 11 rounds is actually 77 jumping squats, 55 pull ups (and not just chin above bar pull-ups, CHEST to bar pull-ups), and 33 handstand push ups (well, for us, box push ups)! After writing that and reading it again, I'm like, "Did I seriously do that tonight?"

The human body is such an incredible piece of equipment and it is so incredible what you can push and teach it to do! Every time I finish my WOD, high five all my fellow CrossFitters, chug my bottle of water while sitting (sometimes laying) on the ground, I feel so successful, accomplished, and rewarded. I know everyone in that room feels the same way. CrossFit is so awesome!

Here's some pictures (thanks to Bryan!) of tonight's WOD.

Me doing box push ups, and chest to bars. Mom doing chest to bars and jumping squats. 

Can't wait for Tomorrow's workout! Saturday's are ALL conditioning Baby!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Front Squats!

Aaaaahhhhhhhhh....(I'm not screaming, "Aaaaaahhhhhhh" is the sound of relaxation because I am doing the only part of CrossFit that requires no pain, no sweat, and no gasping for air, which is blogging about it lol)

Tonight was a GREAT night at CrossFit.... One, because CrossFit is my Therapy and when life throws you lemons, do CrossFit! Two, because I front squatted 105 pounds! Three, because the people there are just so cool!

Tonight's workout was tough. The warm-up even knocked the wind out of me.

Row for 2 Minutes
3 Rounds
7 Burpees
14 Goblet Squats (26 lbs)

After the warm-up, it took a second to catch my breath. I tell you, only two days go by with no CrossFit, and I feel like I've been out for weeks. I feel so out of shape sometimes because these warm-ups and work-outs knock everything out of you and take everything you have!

Anyway, front squatting 105 pounds was such an accomplishment today! Looking back, on Day 1 of CrossFit, I could only front squat 35 pounds!!!

I have realized over the years, that it is human nature to seek progress in life and to be happy about the progress you have made in life. Well, CrossFit will push for progression and you will get progress every time you go!

Today's Workout:

Little difficult to see the WOD, but for the power lifting move, we had to increase our weight with the front squats until we hit our 1 rep max. Then we did 3 sets of 5 front squats at 70% of our max weight (Mine max was 105, my 70% was 75lbs, Mom's max was 85lbs and 70% was 60lbs). I tried to max at 115 today, but couldn't lift out of the squat. I hurt my wrists a little bit because the bar was so heavy and it fell forward, bending my wrists really far back. I stretched them out and I was fine in a few minutes (Just another injury to add the list--hehe).

After the power lifting workout, we started the WOD. 

For Time
Row 500 meters (as fast as you can) Took me 2:12 and Mom 2:18
Kettle Bell Swings (Me-26lbs, Mom-18lbs)

We had to do 30 reps of each, then 20 reps of each, then 10 reps. The 30 was the hardest to get through, but the 20 and 10 were much easier. My butt and abs are going to be on fire tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Hopefully, Thursday's workout requires no butt or ab workouts or else we are in trouble. 

WOD results

Not too bad- Me: 8:41, Mom: 8:25

Here's some pictures from tonight

Me front squatting 105 pounds

Mom squatting 85 pounds

"Getting stronger feels so good! CrossFit, you rock!"
