Friday, February 28, 2014

2014 CrossFit Open! 14.1

We signed up for the 2014 Crossfit Open! We know we won't be anywhere near the pro's, but we want to see how we compare to others like us, so we signed up for fun! 

As many reps as possible in 10 minutes
30 double unders
15 power snatches with 55lbs 

This is such a cool experience. Like I said, I know we aren't pro's but it still feels so awesome to be a part of this. I feel like a real competitor in the Crossfit Games! I love it. 

I scored 122 and mom scored 76. We both had to use 55 pounds for the power snatches because we are in the 18 to 54 women age group. Mom missed the next cut off by 1 year!!! Haha if she was 55, she would of been able to use 45 pounds  in the snatches and she would of been golden because 55 was tough for her. It was tough for me too! We had to do clean and jerks instead of snatches (which is acceptable) but these take longer and use more of our time; however, they are much easier than snatches. 

Here are our scores from the night! 

I completed 2 rounds and then 30 more double unders and 2 more power snatches (power clean). 

Mom completed 1 round and then 30 more double unders and 1 more power clean. 

This was fun! We did way more than we thought we could do. The double unders messed us up a few times on the second rounds which cost us some time but it's all good! I'm just excited were competing! 

By March 3rd, we will know where we place worldwide on workout 14.1

    My sweat angel after 14.1  ;) 

Oh yeah, I didn't post on Wednesday this week because I was EXHAUSTED after the workout! We did rope climbs and kettle bell swings! The workout was insane! 

Every minute on the minute, do a rope climb and then 10 kettle bell swings with a 35lb kettle bell. I climbed the rope 5 times and then had to do the alternative rope climb, which is pulling yourself up from the ground on the rope with your arms (very tough). Mom did the alternative for all 10 because she can't get the clamp down, but she will with time! I passed 10 minutes and it took me about 14 to finish the workout. Mom finished on 10 and did a great job! This was an intense workout and today I am really feeling the shoulder and back muscle pain from the climbs and kettle swings. 

Here's some pics of us on the ropes... 

Ok, it's time to relax and enjoy the weekend. Wedding planning of course, so maybe not too much relaxing!

Till next week,

Monday, February 24, 2014

Snatch Balance (Saay whaaa?)

Tonight, for the first time, we did snatch balances! These are So difficult to say the least, but I'm so glad I got to do these. 

A snatch balance is similar to an overhead squat (which is really tough) but more involved and more difficult. 

Basically, you start with the bar behind your head, resting on shoulders. In one motion, you slightly bend your knees (like a push press), jolt the bar up and go into your squat stance and into a squat at the same time. Balancing yourself is key and bill had us practice several times with just a PVC pipe and then an empty bar. 

I felt Like I had the hang of it for most of my reps but when that bar got some decent weight on it, man is was difficult to balance! Mom felt the same way. 

I maxed at 70 pounds 
Mom maxed at 40 pounds 

After doing about 15 of these, it was time for the WOD. 

Bill already put us through a pretty good warmup which involved rowing 500m, skipping with high knees, Spider-Man lunges, crab walks, air squats, and shoulder stretches. 

The workout was fun..
Clock set to 7 minutes
100 double unders 
Row with remainder of time to record meters

I did all 100 double unders! No singles!! Whoooo hoooo! I'm so proud that I am getting so much better at double unders! I can't string them together yet so I used a single in between every double. Diana is getting so good at these, she strung at most 22 in a row!!! Go Di! Mom and Maria did 300 singles instead of double unders (still grueling!) It was a girls night tonight and we rocked it! 

Here are the results: 

I got 561 meters
Mom got 769 meters
Di got 534 meters
Maria got 725 meters

Excellent job girls!!! 

Here are pics of me and momma doing snatch balances tonight. I tried to get a pic of every part of the motion in order:

Fun workout tonight, not too exhausting or intense, just right ;)

Oh and we signed up for the Crossfit open!!! Crossfit games 2014!!! Yeahhhhh buddy! Can't wait! 


Friday, February 21, 2014

Did I really do all that?

Tonight was so hardcore. I'll make this Short, sweet, and to the point because I am beat!

Here's what we did tonight...

25 pull-ups
35 push-ups 
45 air squats

Followed by...
18 deadlifts (Mom at 135lbs!! and me at 115lbs! Mom rocked it!!!- So proud of her and a little jealous, not going to lie lol--I can't help it, I'm so competitive)

We Then did...
1600 meters of rowing
80 box jumps
And 70 sit-ups 

Seriously, as I look at this, I never knew a human body was designed to endure such intense physical training. Crossfit is always hard, but this was just crazy!

I almost threw up a couple of times tonight and mom wanted to walk out lol it was so hard!!!! None the less, we probably gained some serious muscle mass tonight (I always tell myself this after every workout) and burned like 1000+ calories. 

It was a really difficult workout but these are always needed. It's amazing knowing that I am even able to do a workout like this. 3 months ago, I would of laughed if you told me I was going to complete a workout like tonight's. 

The human body is an incredible machine capable of doing anything you push it to do. 

*feeling blessed*

Here's some pics and results from tonight. 

Us doing deadlifts

Craig couldn't feel his legs after the workout...

Sean was dead ... He's a beast! 

Results... First number is dead lift weight. Second number is sit ups during the workout. Third number is height of box for box jumps. 

Crossfit856 now has Instagram! Follow them!! Also follow me on Instagram at crossfitlys to see pics/videos of our workouts and some delicious paleo dinners :) 

Okay, Time for bed for me!


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

NO pain NO gain.

Tonight was dreadful!!!! Burpees are horrible especially after doing thrusters! My arms are so SORE!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!

After tonight's workout, I couldn't move. 

First of all, Monday's workout killed me beyond belief. I knew I was going to be in some serious pain and sure enough, I was/am. Mom and I have been texting back and forth since yesterday about how sore we are. Our arms, shoulders, lats, and back were all used during Monday's workout and they are all beyond sore. It takes me 10 minutes to get dressed and it's so hard to even put deodorant on! I'm assuming the 50 pull-ups had a lot to do with it. 

On top of the crazy workout Monday, we did speed training yesterday for 40 minutes which was so tough because our arms hurt so much to move and we had to run and power walk (which of course requires arm movement).

I just keep telling myself the same 4 words..."No pain, no gain!"

Tonight Workout:
7 rounds! Burpees and thrusters!!! Ahhh 

Before the actual workout, Ryan let us find our 1 rep max with cleans because we never did them before. We did power cleans and hang cleans but never a full clean for a 1 rep max. I struggled a bit with the movement, it's so tough.. But I got a 1 rep max of 75 and mom got a 1 rep max of 70! Awesome job on these considering we haven't done them before. 

Some pictures of us doing Cleans 

Starting position...

Receiving as low as you can

Going into the full squat

And standing back up.

The reason this is called a Clean is because the entire movement is in one clean motion. No pauses or stops, just lift the bar up onto the shoulders, into the squat, and back up. 

I think we could have did more if we weren't so sore from Monday, but it's all good, I'll take the 75. 

Here are the results of the workout:

Took me 15 minutes and 31 seconds using 45 pounds for thrusters 

Took mom 15 minutes and 33 seconds using 35 pounds for thrusters

This is incredible for my mom that we stand neck and neck with time. My Mom is a machine!!!!! 

This workout was dreadful! We wanted to quit but we stuck it out somehow (the assistance of God for sure!). The burpees are the death of me. They take every ounce of energy you have and beat it to the ground! 

Ok I'm beat! 

Oh and Here's pic of us at the gym yesterday on treadmills :)


Monday, February 17, 2014


Tonight was AMAZING! My new PR for front squats is 125lbs!!! Mom's is 100lbs!!!! And Craig's is 265!!!! We achieved some serious goals tonight! In pain? Yes! Worth every bit of it? Without a doubt!!!!

Us after the WOD, hands in pain...

The WOD:

Tonight was such a successful night. Establishing our one rep max was so invigorating! The 125 was so hard but I stayed with it. Bill made me feel even better when he told me my form was solid the entire time :) 

Words cannot describe how awesome that feeling was! I LOVE Crossfit!

Mom hitting 100 is incredible since her last front squat was 75 or something. She was beyond excited! And Craig hitting 265! That's just amazing! We rock!

Anyway, the actual WOD was tough. I used 55lbs for the ground to overheads and mom used 45lbs. We both just did overhead presses once we got the bar up from the ground. These were tough and after a while, my hands and arms were really killing me. This was such a great workout though.

Another goal that was conquered tonight was our pull-ups! I used the red skinny band the entire time!! I have never done this before. I usually start out with the red and end up using the green because they become so hard. Not this time! I stuck it out and used the red! Whoooo hoooo! Mom used the green the entire time too!! She usually adds the red for extra help but she stuck it out!!! Like mother like daughter ;) hehe

We both completed 5 rounds even in 10 minutes! So 25 ground to overheads and 50 pull-ups! My arms easily felt like falling off. In fact, it is now 4 hours after the workout and my arms still feel like jello. Pain will be intense during the next couple of days but well worth it! 

Being strong is so incredible! 

Some pictures of us doing front squats

Pics during the WOD 

Everyone did a really great job tonight, especially Ed and Chavone (our newest crossfitters)! Totally impressed by how much they lift and endure! 

Plans for this week -> Crossfit Monday Wednesday and Friday... Speed/interval training Tuesday and Thursday. 

I must say, doing speed interval training has really increased our endurance during the last couple Crossfit workouts.


Friday, February 14, 2014

Meet me at the bar Valentine ;)

Such a great Valentine's Day workout! The Bar is our love! And it treats us goooooood :) painfully good! 

I want this pictures framed :) Me and Mom doing 5 sets of 4 back squats at 80% our max, which is 100lbs for me and 75lbs for Mom. This was a great start to the WOD tonight.

Prior to the backsquats, we really stretched out our hips, groins, and legs which really made a difference in the back squats. If we aren't loose, the stances can be much more difficult, which we have noticed in the past.

Some pics of us doing backsquats tonight.

Here was tonight's awesome WOD:

It looks crazy and that's because it was. We had to do 10 push presses and 12 kettle bells back and forth for 10 minutes, increasing the bar 10lbs each round. 

This workout was so intense but was so awesomely set up. I started with the RX, 45lbs, and mom started with 35lbs since her shoulder has been bothering her a little lately. I used a 35lb kettle bell and mom used 2lbs6. This workout really kicked our butts! In a good way of course :)

At the end of 10 minutes, I finished 4 rounds even, so 40 push presses and 48 kettle bell swings. 

I felt like I had super powers at the end of today's entire WOD. I backsquatted like a champ and finished all 20 backsquats with 100 pounds and I blew through this WOD, stopping a few times to regain strength for those push presses. So proud of myself. If this were 3 months ago, I would of died after doing 5 push presses at 45 pounds. 

Same with mom, she is finally beginning to master her squat Stance and she too conquered this workout with excellent strength and stamina! 

We are unstoppable and loving every minute of the journey! I wish all women knew what growing strength and increasing endurance felt like, because it is truly a wonderful feeling for me.

As much as I love Crossfit, I truly enjoy the interval speed training we have began to do at the other gym. We are really learning how to spike our heart rates up and calm them back down every minute on the minute. It's so great! Recently we heard that studies are saying that this is ideal for endurance and a leaner body! So far so good! This week, we worked out all 5 days and I feel like a new woman!! 

Hete are some pictures of us during the WOD (push presses and kettle bell swings) 

Time to relax and rest over the weekend. Well, from the gym that is... I have to catch up on wedding plans! 



Thursday, February 13, 2014

Progress is Awesome!

Just a short post about the progress we have noticed tonight....

We decided to do some weights and machines at planet fitness tonight before our interval workout on the treadmill to see how far we have come.

I must say, it is SO freaking awesome seeing how strong we have become!!! For instance, here are some machines we used tonight with the weight we use to be able to do and the weight we can lift now. 

                          Before     Tonight
Leg press            90lbs      180lbs
Lat pull downs     35lbs       60lbs
Smith Machine     20lbs       70lbs
Fly machine         30lbs       60lbs

We could probably go higher on each one of these machines, we just guessed a weight to use and did it.

Basically, we either doubled or more than doubled our weight on all machines. So incredible. 

Tonight on treadmills, we did 30 minutes...ran at 6.3 for a minute and then walked at 4.1 for a minute. Did this back and forth for the entire time. This was a nice steady workout and the highest we got our heart rates was 178ish. Very impressive because in the past, this type of running would put our hearts at 185-190. Therefore, it is easy to see how strong our hearts have become. 

Here are some before and after pictures of us on the smith machine. About 4 months apart. So funny. 


Me before
Me after

Thumbs up and a high five to tonight! 
