It feels great to be strong!! Amazing actually! Knowing that I can do anything any man can is a powerful weapon as a female! However, I need to cut some body fat asap! Starting tomorrow, mom and I are going on a strict lifestyle change... Paleo as best as we can. It is much needed. I think it will give us more energy and will make us be able to do the best we can at Crossfit.
Anyway, tonight's workout was a good one!
Ran two laps and then the warmup
As if we didn't do enough burpees the other night..
Then the workout
Got a nice 5 rep max of 105 on the jerks and mom got 75.
During the workout, I used 53 pounds in each hand for farmers carry and mom used 36. For sumo deadlifts, I used 65 and mom used 45. Great workout and great job to both of us.
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