Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It's Getting Warm!

What a winter this has been! It's been 10 days since my last Crossfit workout due to a crazy sinus infection among many other annoying things going on (Life is never easy, thank God for Crossfit as my outlet!) 

Anyway, mom found out today she has arthritis in her knees and some fluid around her left knee with a bakers cyst on top of that. She also tore something in her left knee because the fluid had some blood in it (I know,not good)... But she's going to get an MRI soon so she's taking about 2 weeks off from Crossfit, so it's just me for a little while (totally not the same without her but health comes first)

I'm going to just start posting the daily Workouts along with all the results of the night. Unless something crazy happens, that's going to be the gist of the blog posts. 

So tonight's was...

Shoulder presses weren't too tough, and the highest set I did was with 60 pounds.

Everyone did an awesome job tonight, the 100m sprints killed me, I haven't ran in so long, but it felt so good with this warm weather! Tomorrow is going to be 66 degrees!!!! 


Plan is Tues, Wed, Thurs this week ;) 

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