Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hang Snatch!

Ryan seriously wanted us dead tonight! I know this because I almost died. Tonight's entire workout, including warm-up consisted of:

Warm Up
50 wall balls
50 push ups

Hang Snatch 2 • 2 • 2 • 2 • 2

4 rounds for time (shoot me!)
35 air squats (shoot me again!)
25 pull ups (ok now it's not even funny)
15 kettle bell thrusts (35 pounds) 

The hang snatch is a difficult move to master and I still can't master it. It's one movement, taking the bar from the hang position and snatching it above your head, going into a squat position. I maxed at 55 pounds at 2 reps and mom maxed at 50 pounds at 2 reps. The hardest part about the hang snatch was really sending that weight on my heals and keeping my arms above my head and pushed back. I kept falling foward and dropping the bar. I also jump too far out into the squat which then I can't squat low (definitely need to work on this in the future). 

Some pictures of us doing hang snatch


After the hang snatch, our arms were already sore, and then we began the agonizing 4 rounds of H-E double hockey sticks!! 

Just one round was enough to send me to the floor gasping for air. The first round of air squats was easy, same for the pull ups, but the 35lb kettle bell thrusters killed me. My back, legs, and arms are going to be on fire tomorrow and the following day. After the second round, my legs couldn't even feel the air squats anymore, they were numb to the quad pain. My arms were KILLING me during pull ups so I had to keep breaking the 25 reps into different sets of all different numbers. I used the black band for most of the time and added the skinny red when I needed help, same thing for my mom. By the time this was over, I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry! 

Results from tonight! 

It was a much needed workout and as difficult and agonizing as it was, I'd do it all over again just for that amazing feeling of euphoric accomplishment you get at the end of it all :) ...each and every time.

Thanks Ryan! Way to work us hard! 


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