Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Burpees (kill me)

Tonight was painfully, brutally absurd and I enjoyed every butt-kicking minute of it (psychotic, I know). 

First...not one warm up, but two (is that even logical?) Bill made us do two warm-ups. 



These warm-ups had me ready to go for this workout; however, seeing the WOD on the board, made me want to puke already. They say there are 5 stages of crossfit.. 1. Fear and dread 2. Acceptance 3. Pain and suffering 4. Total Elation and 5. Excitement 

Every single one is SO TRUE... Especially seeing tonight's WOD




Okay, let's discuss a few things for those of you that do not know....

1. Burpees are the death of Crossfit! They suck and we hate them! 

2. Doing ONLY 20 Burpees is hard! 

3. Adding hang cleans in there....just forget about it... Aka "Fear and Dread"

Well, we chipped away at those burpees...one by one...

The way Bill set this up was we started with a hang clean, 75% of our max weight. My max was 85 and moms was 45 (she was just having an off night with hang cleans). That means during the workout, I used 65lbs and mom just stuck with her 45lbs. After we did one hang clean, we used the remainder of a minute to complete as many burpees as we could. Then, after the minute was up, we do another hang clean followed by burpees until the minute was up. We had to do this until all 100 burpees were complete. No breaks.

We started off great. I think I got about 15 burpees in the first minute. After that, it was all downhill. Next minute, maybe 8. I probably stayed at this pace. At one point, I only did 5 burpees in 45 seconds because I was so wiped out. It was very hard and I felt like I was going to puke when I got to burpee number 50 (still having 50 to go). 


We made it through alive and without puking. However, my knees are so bruised up that it looks like someone took a bat to them (thanks burpees). My hands are a little torn from the hang cleans.. But other than that, I feel fabulous! Completing that workout was awesome and I am elated for sure! 

Success comes to those who go after it.


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